May 18, 2011
LSU – Patrick Taylor Hall Room 1119, 3304
Patrick F. Taylor Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, for directions see For details on the SQL Server User Group meeting
please see their website.
Sponsored By: The Smyth Group

5:45 – 6:15 pm: Networking and Refreshments
6:15 – 6:30 pm: Lightning Round – Introduction to Pex & Moles
6:30 – 7:45 pm: Ditch the Designer: Building a More Maintainable Model with the
Entity Framework Code-First API
7:45 – until: Open Forum for questions and Raffle
Lightning Round Topic: Introduction to Pex & Moles
Overview: In this presentation we will take a look at the functionality of Microsoft’s new mocking framework, “Moles”. This framework brings full mocking of any method in any .NET library, including mocking private and static methods. The audience is encouraged to have a working knowledge of simple mocking concepts and why mocks are useful when doing unit tests. We will also discuss Microsoft’s associated test generation functionality, “Pex”. Pex provides the ability to generate unit tests that cover 100% of your target code with just the click of a button. The audience will need to have an understanding of basic unit testing patterns and frameworks (we’ll use Microsoft’s Unit Test framework that ships with Visual Studio for the discussion).
Speaker: Steve Schaneville
BIO: Company: Amedisys
Having worked for 4 years as a Mechanical Engineer and having not enjoyed it, Steve Schaneville be-bopped over to Aachen, Germany where he found a job writing C++ for a local university doing research projects. Turns out, research projects make for the perfect developer job since there are no users and no deadlines, so Steve had the perfect job for a good stint, and became convinced that software development was the right path. Two and a half years later Steve returned to Louisiana and quickly became smitten with .NET, starting with v1.0. Currently he creates havoc at Amedisys, Inc. as the senior architect.
Topic: Ditch the Designer: Building a More Maintainable Model with the Entity
Framework Code-First API
Overview: The whiz-bang visual designer features of the Entity Framework demo well, and may even work for small projects, but anyone who’s worked with EF knows that on larger projects, the design surface quickly becomes unusable and a bottleneck to your development process. Thankfully, the Entity Framework team has heard our anguished cries and introduced a new API for defining your EF models, dubbed “Code-First”. In this presentation, Brian will guide you through building a true POCO model, basic mapping techniques, and leveraging conventions to keep your mappings DRY.
Speaker: Brian Sullivan
BIO: Company: Falcon Applications, LLC
Brian Sullivan is a developer analyst for Falcon Applications, LLC in Shreveport, LA. He got his start in programming maintaining legacy mainframe applications in COBOL at a large trucking company, but quickly realized he needed to find a more productive environment in order to stay sane. He jumped at the opportunity to help transition some of those COBOL applications to .NET, and he hasn’t looked back since. He has been working with Microsoft technologies for about 5 years, and is interested in increasing the exposure of agile techniques and methodologies in the Microsoft developer community. He currently runs the Shreveport .NET User Group and speaks frequently at local user groups and regional conferences. Brian is a graduate of Harding University in Searcy, AR.
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